Getting Started

Finding a therapist who is a good fit for you is important.  If you think you might like to work with me, please contact me through any of the means provided and I will give you a call back within 48 hours. I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation during which I can find out a little more about your interest in coming in, and where you can ask any questions you might have and get a better sense of whether working with me feels like a good fit. If yes, we will set up an appointment! 

Please look over my professional disclosure statement, which goes over my supervision and licensure information as well as sharing more about my approach and specific training. 

Before our first session, I will send you a link to my practice forms, including my notice of privacy policiesall of which we will have a chance to go over in person as well.




It is a courageous thing to be willing to look honestly at oneself or one's relationships and to consider making change. I offer a space to do some of that work, a space to explore what that could look like, and a space to practice new ways of being and relating. 

“We are always in a perpetual state of being created and creating ourselves” 

― Daniel J. Siegel